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Group of Gen Zs looking at the camera

Resource Type: Infographics

Meet Gen Z

A new generation is shaping retail. Gen Zs are digital natives, preferring digital tools, not just to connect with others but also for entertainment and shopping-related activities.

June 16, 2022

June 16, 2022

By Giulia Gallo

Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z represents a leap forward in the concept of what it means to be truly digitally native. They prefer digital communications and their journey between the online and offline worlds is seamless and is part of everyday life.

Gen Z is a value-driven generation. They favor people and brands with strong ethics, who are actively committed to contributing positively to global issues like climate change, diversity and inclusion.

In this infographic, we look at the defining characteristics of Gen Z to help brands understand what drives this growing consumer population.

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