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Resource Type: Infographics

Livestream Shopping

Livestream shopping is the next big thing in ecommerce, offering brands the ability to demonstrate their products to a live, online, interactive audience. Learn more about it in our new infographic. 

February 1, 2022

February 1, 2022

By Catz Thompson

Livestream shopping is the next big thing in the world of ecommerce. Especially prominent in Asian markets, the livestream shopping market is steadily growing in other locales including the US, where it is expected to reach $25 billion by 2023.

One of the main advantages of this feature is that it offers brands the ability to demonstrate and ultimately advertise their products to a live, online, interactive audience. It also gives consumers the chance to inspect a product more closely, contributing to halve the return rate compared to traditional ecommerce channels.

Read our latest infographic and start planning your livestream shopping strategy today. 

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