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Resource Type: Infographics

The State of Ecommerce

The new online consumer demands a faster, more seamless and consistent digital experience. Read our infographic to find out how ecommerce leaders can exceed online customers' expectations.

October 4, 2021

October 4, 2021

By Catz Thompson

Over the past years, the global shift to ecommerce has picked up speed and is now dictating new priorities for online retailers and brands. In 2021, ecommerce sales account for 18% of retail sales worldwide; by 2023, they are expected to reach 22%.  
But what do consumers really value in their online shopping journey? A seamless, speedy and consistent digital experience is a priority, but that’s not all: today, online shoppers also expect a superior customer experience, as well as convenience and reliability.  
Read all about digital consumers’ evolving needs in our infographic below to discover how to best serve your online customers and exceed their expectations.

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