Resource Type: Reports
The Role of Brand in the Digital Future
With high competition and rapid developments online, how do brands navigate their new, predominately digital roles and take advantage of the new ways to reach and engage with customers authentically?
October 28, 2021

Resource Type: Reports
The Role of Brand in the Digital Future
With high competition and rapid developments online, how do brands navigate their new, predominately digital roles and take advantage of the new ways to reach and engage with customers authentically?
October 28, 2021
With the shift to ecommerce accelerated by the global pandemic, on-going conversations around ‘big data’, changes to cookie policies, and ever-updating algorithms – the role of brand and marketing leads within businesses seems to get more complex by the day.
For businesses navigating a strong online presence, the role of brand has taken on a new meaning. Brands have the opportunity to take advantage of digital developments to enhance their customer relationships.
But with such high competition and rapid developments online, how do brands and brand owners navigate their new, predominately digital roles, and take advantage of the new ways to reach and engage with customers authentically?
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